Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Paper Project Prototypes

I have realised that paper is the bane of my existence.  I can definitely say that this was difficult for me. Paper is hard for me to manipulate the way I want.  I also had issues with the glue not sticking very well, especially on the knob on top of the diamond container, but that could have also been an issue with the tabs being too short. Generally the bust is made up of a bunch of little triangles which were all supposed to line up and have a flat bottom, but in my model that is not the case.  Near the point the triangles stopped lining up thus giving the uneven base. The object is functional in the way that the head opens and could technically be used to put things in.  The diamond container worked better for me however it was much less complicated than my bust.  Yet I still had issues with glue and so on. I can say that paper prototypes are definitely not my strong point

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Paper Prototyping Concepts

My five concepts for the paper prototyping project include a ring, a plinth, a diamond shaped container and two concepts originated from my scanned bust that I had done earlier in the semester.  The three other concepts are pretty simple because I spent most of time working on the two versions of my bust. Due to the time consuming nature of those objects I was not able to complete drawing in all the little tabs on 2d shapes.  To create the prototype busts I started by going into Meshmixer and reducing the amount of polygons to the desired amount and then importing the model into Rhino.  Once in Rhino, I used the contour command to get outlines of the shape.  By switching around the number on contour lines I was able to reduce the amount polygons even further as well it gave me a direct way to fold out and build the shape.  All the triangles were drawn in by hand after I got the basic contour lines down.  The less detailed model will be turned into a vase and the other will be a container with a lid.  Drawing these models was very time consuming, especially drawing the mesh as well as it would very often blend in with all the other mesh around that I would lose my place very often.  Given more time I would like to try and create a more detailed version of the bust.

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

3D Printed Ring Progress 2

I designed a ring for this project with the mixture of organic and linear shapes.  From the feedback of my peers last week, they concluded that the ring with the two hoops was the most interesting yet the side of the band was too thick.  Most of my rings had a band that was too thick, so I decided to redo the ring with the same basic concept, yet take that concept further.  Given more time I would have added a little more detail with it, yet I am still quite happy with the way it turned out.